Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hurt feelings, that's all.

My feelings were hurt. That's all it was. I wasn't upset because I like him. I wasn't upset because he didn't snapchat me back. My feelings were hurt. 

I give a lot in my friendships. In all of my friendships and I expect the same back. Is that wrong? Do I expect too much? I'm not sure. But, I wasn't upset that James was snap chatting other people or that he wasn't answering me back because I like him and I want him to feel the se way but because we are friends. As friends, I assume a quick hey or what's up I'm not dead on top of a mountain is normal. Even with the Sarah's, I expect a quick hey. You know? If we truely are friends then my feelings are hurt when you ignore me not because I like you or whatever. 

I talked to Sarah about my ridiculous feelings and over reactions. She talked sense into me as always. She's good at that- telling me the honest truth when I can't see it myself. And I wanted so bad to be mad at her. I did. I'll admit it. I hated what she said. But, I knew deep inside way she said was true and I just needed to hear it point blank no sugar coating. I'm grateful for that, for her, all my friends.  They are the ones who have to listen to me rant and rave, complain, cry and talk incessantly about James. The Sarah's are so patient with me and obsessions, I'm not even sure how they do it. 

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