Thursday, April 24, 2014

Emotional Cutting

Do you ever wish you could turn back time?  Repeat a day over and change what you said or where you went? You could have a complete do-over.  Change the fate of the day, or even your life.  Or maybe, change something about yourself. Any part of yourself.  There’s a lot I would change about me.  There’s a lot I hate about myself.  I’m a terrible driver like really bad.  I speak before I think.  I care too much about what others think of me.  I worry constantly.  I trust to easy.  I fall in love fast and hard.  But most of all, what I hate most of all but can’t control.  I can’t make myself stop.  I’m an emotional cutter. Don’t freak out, I don’t actually cut.  It’s exactly what it sounds like.  I hurt myself emotionally.  I put myself in situations where I’ll be hurt, or I’ll listen to a freaking song that will purposefully make me feel bad or sad.  I’ll do whatever it takes to make myself feel bad and the worse I feel the better.  As sick as it sounds, it makes me feel better.  I like to make myself feel bad because I feel better later.  I don’t know how this works or why.  I don’t even know what made me realize that I do this.  Like I said before though, I hate this about myself.  It’s kind of sick in a way but I can’t make myself stop. 

Only a few more days left at Western.  We're making the most of every minute. 

Amazing sunsets

Best friend dates

Before I was rejected by the boy I like

Sweet gifts from best friends

Breakfast club at Innovations before I ruined things. 

Weird midnight snap chats.  

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