Monday, January 20, 2014

I'll try to keep it short tonight.  

The first week back at school has been hard.  But, the first week is over and I can only hope it will be smooth sailing from here. 

This weekend has been amazing.  Since it's me and my friends last semester together, we are making the most of every day.  Friday night was spent at the bar hanging out, laughing (a lot), talking about our future plans, and bonding.  We are so close now that I consider them sisters.  

Saturday was spent exploring, thrifting, and taking pictures.  It was freezing outside so not many pictures but enough.  We went to this tunnel that's called the Road to Nowhere and when your inside it's so dark you can't see anything and at night you can't see the end of the tunnel.  Super scary.

Today, we had lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant.  El Patron.  It was soo good.  

Now, on to the reason why this posted is called  Seriously, y'all this site is amazing.  You upload and sell clothes and it's actually legit.  I've already earned about $20.00 just in one day.  

So find me, follow me, and shop my closet.  @avevers3

Alright, I'll post pictures later of my weekend.

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