Monday, January 13, 2014


Today was bittersweet.

It was my last semester of college.

It was my last first day of classes.

While, I am counting down the days until graduation (117!) I am also crying because it will mean leaving my second family.  My best friends.  The girls who know me better than I know myself. (Seriously, they do) I can't imagine what it's going to be like not seeing them every day.

I've come a long way.  Freshman year I couldn't imagine missing one minute with my family.  I went home every weekend, and I mean every weekend.  And now, here I am literally four years later and I'm the exact opposite.  I can't imagine missing one minute with my best friends.  They're like sisters to me.

Lets be honest for a minute. 

I have no clue what I want to do when I graduate. 

And at the same time, these girls have been the ones that I go to when I have a problem.  They have been there through all the hard times, all the bad times, all the good times. They are the ones who sat with me while I cried about my brother leaving his wife and kids, they sat with me and took care of me when my brother then died.  They listened to me rant about classes, boys, family, money. Everything. 

They helped me get through class after class.  Helped me study for exams and finish projects.  

How am I supposed to decide my entire future after graduation without these girls by my side? 

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