Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Weekly Beatings

It's a long one tonight, hang in there!

Do you ever feel like the week is going by so fast, but at the same time Monday feels like a century ago?

This is how I feel every week now.  This semester, my LAST fall semester is going by so fast I can't even keep up.

I had a meltdown earlier this week.  Some details you need to know to understand:

  • The week before Thanksgiving break is the worst, everything for classes is due.
  • I had a big project in one my classes that I just ignored the entire semester and it snuck up on me this week. 
  • I am leaving this Friday to start Thanksgiving break early and missing class two days next week. 
Monday morning rolled around and as I got out of bed I was horrified by my calendar hanging up on my desk.  UGH I had something due every day this week and nothing was done.  

Tuesday morning rolled around and as I went to my least favorite class, Behavioral Intervention, I left class in a panic.  I was leaving Friday and my huge project was due the Tuesday I was missing class. I literally had thought nothing of this project (Modifying my behavior through a series of techniques we had learned in class and a 10 page paper).  My first thought: I'm screwed, there is no way I can do this on top of all my other work in time to turn it in. 

On top of that, I had a test due today, I was missing a test next Tuesday that I was supposed to take Thursday but now I'm not  I had essays, and quizzes and papers.  I literally was covered in papers.  

I am proud to announce: I finished my 10 page paper tonight(with the help of an amazing friend) and I am ready to turn it in, wait for it...EARLY!!

I have to admit, I didn't think I was going to make it through this week, but I did.  And I am so freaking proud of myself.

With that I'll leave you with some fall favorites from pinterest (follow me @ avevers2) 



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