Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Trying to be a good friend

What does it mean to be a good friend?
-Random acts of kindness
-Having relationship advice on hand whenever needed
- Being a shoulder to cry on
- Being the therapist, whatever kind it may be
- Hating on the same girls, guys, and everyone in between
- Making fun of each other, in a good way.
- Having fashion advice
- Making your friend laugh

There is so much being involved with being a good friend.  And, with girls at least, it comes naturally.  We just know what it means to be a good friend, being a best friend.  We treat each other like family, sisters.  We share secrets, heartache, and achievements.  It's the best feeling in the world to be a good friend.

But, in every friend group there is that one girl who sucks all the energy.  ALWAYS has a problem. ALWAYS in a crisis.  She needs advice every minute of every day.  She constantly talks about herself and her life but never bothers to ask about you and your life.  She is dramatic and selfish.  She may even be loud and annoying.  She thinks she knows everything but knows nothing.

I could go on and on.

So after 3 years of putting up with this friend, when you're tired, when you're ready to have a friend who actually cares about you and you're problems. When you're ready for a friend who wants to be a good friend to you.  How do you be a good friend to them?

I'm struggling right now.  I have this friend right now.  And I can't be a good friend to her.  And while one part of me says I need to stop, suck it up and be a good person.  The other side of me says no! You deserve to have a good friend who wants to be a good friend back.

I just can't find a balance between doing what's right and doing what's right for me.

Otherwise, my week sucks. More on it later though, thats enough sadness for tonight.

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