Monday, December 2, 2013

End with a bang.

Is it really December already?  I feel like just yesterday I was moving back in with my friends and starting senior year.  I blinked and the semester was over.

This is crazy.  

So, now for the update of my past few week? weeks? (When was the last time I wrote?) 

I started my Thanksgiving break earlier than others and left the weekend before break.  Let's take it day-by-day. 

Thursday- There was a fire on campus and burned down some beloved family owned restaurants. 
(Picture compliments of The Western Carolinian)

Saturday- My family went to the Wake Forest vs. Duke game.  Wake Forest lost. 

Monday and Tuesday- I stayed at my aunt and uncles.  My cousin aka adopted daughter had a Thanksgiving feast at school so of course I attended.  
 She was so embarrassed by the fuss I made over her. 
Thursday- Thanksgiving with my family and Christmas shopping starting at Wal-Mart with cheap DVDS and ending the next day at K-Mart.

Saturday- I accompanied my aunt, uncle, and family to dinner and to see Frozen.  If you haven't seen it or the Hunger Games, then go see them soon.  Both were simply put: Amazing. 

Sunday- I travelled back to school with gifts for my friends. 

This is going to be the hardest and busiest week of the semester. 

I have my game face on and I'm ready to end this semester with a BANG!! 

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