Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Waves of Life

Life comes in waves.

One minute you are high in the sky.  There are no problems, nobody is fighting, things are going well, life is good. Now this goes on for a while, and then the wave crashes. One day you notice that things are just terrible and you can't figure out how low it has been that way.  Everyone is fighting, every day is filed under the Forget This Day folder.  It is just awful.  Then one day without even realizing it the wave picks back up and it starts all over.

Right now, I'm in the everything is good wave.  My friends and I are having good days, nobody is fighting, my assignments are under control, my grades are under control, nothing major is happening to my family.  Things are good. For now.  The wave has to crash sooner or later.  It's the law of the wave.  

I am really hoping my wave waits until after thanksgiving break to crash but, I have a feeling my luck is just not that good.

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