Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The old saying "stop and smell the roses"

I used to hate the saying "stop and smell the roses". I guess I just didn't understand. 

 I was young and I didn't care about taking a moment to enjoy my life and the events that were happening around me.  

But I'm sitting here, in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina and I realized I'm doing it again.  I'm not embracing the gorgeous views surrounding me.  

 So often I get caught up in my classes and my work that I forget to stop and take a moment to enjoy what is going on around me even for just a few minutes.  I've been outside working for the past few hours and I the only time I stopped to take a break was to check out Facebook.  How sad.  It's the most perfect day in my book, and instead of enjoying it and embracing it I'm on the computer rejecting it.  

I'm a senior that means I only have a short amount of time left to enjoy this view.  To have this view.  I don't want to waste it on Facebook.  Social media will always be there, these mountains won't.  Starting now.  Right now.  I want to take a moment each day and just sit.  I want to sit outside (Or if it's super cold inside) and take in the view around me. I'm wasting my time here and I'll regret it later when I can no longer see it, hear it, smell it, be in it.  

Side note: I realize this is a contradictory statement seeing as though I'm still using my computer.  

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