Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So Worth Loving

I found this site on Instagram (Follow me @they_call_me_abitha) and the company makes t-shirts, stickers, etc. that say "So Worth Loving".  The meaning behind the name is that no matter what your past, present, or future is you are worth loving. No matter who you are, what you look like, what you wear, how much you weight can determine how much you are worth.  Everyone is worth love.

I love the meaning behind the company.  I have always struggled with believing I am worthy of love. I have struggled with my weight severely and as a teen I thought that nobody could love me because I was fat.  But, these past few months I have really grown as a person and I found a group of friends that I love dearly who accept me and my weight and who love me regardless of how much I weigh.  (side note: I'm not like 600 pounds.) But, the point is I am finally accepting myself and this company, through Instagram, has really inspired me and continues to inspire me and millions of others around the world just because of the t-shirts they make.

So, I write all of this because today a picture was posted on Instagram of the inside of a shirt and up top where the tag is this was written.

No matter my history, past mistakes, relationship status, or career choice, I am worthy of love.  I am not defined by my past. I am prepared because of it.  I will encourage myself and others to to treat themselves with kindness, patience, respect, and all that embodies love.  We live our life knowing we have worth.
It's a lifestyle. 

I thought it was perfectly written.  This paragraph completely embodies the company and what it stands for.  I hope you take some time to think about how much you are worth and believe me when I say, You. are. Worthy.  

Check out the website here.

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