Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Whew, I've been MIA for a few days.  It's always like that when I go home.  1) Because I'm so busy, but 2) I have zero internet while I'm there.  So, an update on what's been going on.

I went home for the weekend to work on announcements, find dresses for graduation and the senior toast, work on some of my car problems (none of which were fixed), also there was the meeting with the detective from Jeremy's case.  I started working on my announcements (only 32 days left!!!).  I can't believe how fast this semester is going.  After Easter break, which is next week, I only have 3 weeks before graduation! I'm officially becoming an adult.

I won't go into details about our meeting with the detective because 1) there's too much to tell and 2) it's just not meant to be told.  But, I will say, I feel like I'm slowly getting more closure.  Obviously, I still have those days where I'm heart-broken.  I'm completely torn apart, I don't understand, I'm angry and sad all at once.  But, most days, I've accepted it and I'm okay.  I know this stems from the fact that I didn't really know Jeremy like my mom, dad, Will, Maria, the boys, even Maria's family knew him better than me, which I'm accepted, but I think it's easier for me to accept because I didn't know him as well.  I didn't have that personal, close relationship that everyone else did.  But, that doesn't mean I'm any less upset.  I just wish my family was able to heal like I have.

Alright, I've had enough sadness and depression for one day.  These next few weeks will be tough and I'm just trying to make it through one day at a time.

Wish me luck!

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