Thursday, April 3, 2014

I'm so thankful...

There are so many things in my life to be thankful for.  Most of the time, I don't even think about how lucky I am because I'm so preoccupied with what I don't have, or where I can't go, etc.  It's easier to pick out the negative than to remember the positive.

Last night, the Sarah's and I sat in Caroline's room while she told us her friend drama.  She's having a hard time at work, classes etc.  Later, after we had all gone to bed I was thinking about it.  She's a freshman in college, has to make new friends (something I am just not very good at), and has to spend the next 3 years here.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love Western.  I've been here long enough.  If I knew I had to spend another 3 years here I would probably quit especially if I didn't have any friends and would have to make new friends.  I couldn't do it.  Making friends is hard.  Being in a new place without any support is hard.  Classes are hard.  

I'm so so so thankful that I made my friends my first semester at Western.  We clicked, well I made sure we clicked haha, but seriously, how many people can say I met my very best friends my first semester?  At the same time, I'm so thankful that I'm leaving.  I've loved my time here at Western; it has changed me- I've grown and learned valuable lessons.  Lessons that if I had stayed home I would have never learned.  I'm thankful for the classes I've taken and what I've learned from the professors inside and outside of class.  I'm so thankful for the 4 years I've gotten to spend in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina.  If you haven't seen them, make a trip.  It's worth it.  Seriously, Cullowhee is so beautiful.  It may have been boring at times but it doesn't make it any less beautiful.

I can pick out everything wrong with my life and name them off in a split second.  But, picking out the positive, good things in my life- it's a lot harder.  I am thankful though.  I know I have a lot to be thankful for.

Hope your day, rest of the week, and weekend is beautiful like you!

(iPhone picture)

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