Sunday, February 16, 2014

This one is a little boring.

I have so very little to write.  Days are passing so quickly.  February has come and gone.  First things first.  Valentine's day.  I was single...again.  And that's okay.  I spent it with my favorites.  We went shopping, we went to dinner, headed over to the bar and ended the night at Mcdonalds for breakfast at midnight.



Senior year must be the busiest year because I feel like I have no free time except on the weekends when I should be working but I ignore it.  Seriously, I'm not sure I'm going to make it 83 more days.  I can feel graduation it's so close.  

On that note, I'm picking out my announcements and I'm stuck between two.  Both are from so of course they are lovely.  

                                              Back                                                        Front

The back is the same as the other one.

So, I'm definitely having a hard time deciding. 

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