Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Graduation fair and some deep thoughts

74 days and counting.

Graduation is so close I can't believe it.  Me and the Sarah's went to the graduation fair today and bought our freaking cap and gown!! I seriously cannot get over the fact that I'm almost done with school.  Forever.  No more papers, no more tests, no more presentations and group project.  No more campus food.  While all of this is great, I'm still dreading leaving my best friends.  They're my rock.  The ones I rely on for everything.  Getting through every day is going to be a struggle for me.

Now, onto the deeper thoughts.  I had a weird dream last night and  I won't go into details about it because frankly I don't remember most of it.  But, this morning while drying my hair (Don't laugh, I do a lot of deep thinking while fixing my hair) I thought about dreams.  I know scientist say they are our subconscious reteaching valuable life lessons, but I'm a believer in God and I was thinking about it.  What if, dreams are God's way of showing us little excerpts from our future.  Now, don't get me wrong I sometimes have weird dreams about teaching a fourth grade class from my dorm but what if sometimes dreams are God's way of speaking to us, showing us the future, sometimes he may even let us see our loved ones who have died.  I know I've had a ton of dreams where my Grandfather is dead and we know it, but he comes back to see us and visit.  Is that God giving me a chance to see him again?  Was my dream last night God's way of showing me some of my future?  I'm not sure and I'll never know but wouldn't that be amazing if it was.

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