Monday, January 6, 2014

Here's to 2014

First post of 2014.  I hate that I have such long breaks between posts lately.  Being back at home makes it easy to forget to write.  I promise I'll do better.

It's cold outside, and I mean really really cold. So, I'm writing this post snuggled in bed with dim lights, candles, and good music playing in the background. Relaxing mode.

2014 is not starting off so great. I keep receiving bad news and I've already broken my resolution.

Bad news #1) My 13 year old cousin was diagnosed with depression and anxiety caused by the death of my brother and because he is being bullied at school.  He's seeing a counselor and we are doing everything we can to stay positive and keep him in good spirits.  I hate he's having such a hard time.  I wish I could just take all of his pain away.  I guess the social worker inside of me is coming back. I don't want anyone to feel pain.

Bad news #2) My dad has yet to receive his backpay disability so I am still without a car, without money to pay bills, buy groceries, have basic necessitates.  But, we're doing the best we can.  And I thank God everyday for the blessings we do have.

Bad news #3) (Worst of all) I was at my cousins indoor soccer game the other night when much to my surprise the RD at my dorm called. A pipe busted in my room and they have to remove everything from my room.  YAY! Welcome to hell  2014.

Breaking my resolution.  Doesn't everyone?

I found this great post on Pinterest where everyday of the year you write something good that happened to you.  It can be anything, absolutely anything.  And on New Years you read them.

Well, I've written zero so far.


I have another resolution though.  This is a lifestyle blog and I resolve to post more on fashion and decorating.  More cheerful, uplifting, happy things instead of my usual depressing life aka my own personal soap opera.

So I beg you to stay with me and let's go on a journey together.

Cheers to 2014, may it be the best year ever!!!

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