Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Boys vs. Girls

I am in an evolutionary psychology course this semester so let me start off by saying I do not like this class. I don't agree with much of what is said, and I don't understand why some of it is important. But, I also have to say I do leave there considering new viewpoints every day. Today in particular.

I'll save the whole story on how this conversation started but the point of the class is long term vs. short term mating in men and women.   I left the class today asking my friend why does it matter?  If a girl meets a guy at a bar and goes home with him after an hour then she has to know that typically it is not going to end in a committed relationship, it is a short term mating strategy.  So, why in class do the females get so upset when men discuss short term mating?  They want to judge, shake their heads, and say that all men want is sex.  Girls, if you go home with a guy after knowing him for an hour you cannot get mad at men for wanting this.  If you are practicing short term mating then don't get upset when a male does also.  These girls in class are so quick to jump the men for explaining their reasons for short term mating but girls it takes two to tango as the old saying goes.  It's not just the guys, it's you too.

I just wonder do other people think this too? And why does it matter?  So what, there's men who only want a one night stand and there is men who want a relationship, so what does everyone care?  It should only matter to those who are involved personally?  Why do we want to study this?

To end this here is the perfect representation of fall.

Beautiful fall trees

Red cups at Starbucks

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