Sunday, March 16, 2014

Back at school

Yes, I'm back at school.  I'm half happy and half sad to be back. While, I love seeing my two best friends (Sarah and Sarah) and I love my school; I'm burned out and ready to be home for good.  I miss my family and being home for a week straight only makes me miss them more.  They may be absolutely crazy and spending long periods of time with them drives me insane, but they're my family and I love them.  I'm ready to move home so I don't miss out on all the crazy fun times they have when I'm gone.  I've been at school for 4 years (I just realized how long it was saying it out loud). 4 years of missed family time, photos, bonding, etc.

Short story: My mom and I planned to go see a movie together while I was home and we just never had time.  We put it off until the last minute and then it fell through and I had other more important obligations.  We were talking about it later and my mom says "It's okay, we have our whole lives to see a movie together." And I pointed out, that we don't.  Jeremy thought he had his whole life and his death only reinforced the idea that we don't have forever, life is not guaranteed and I, we, need to make the most of every minute.

Other updates: My favorite company in the entire world (I've written about them before) So Worth Loving is coming to Asheville, NC on March 28 and I'm so freaking excited!! I've emailed them to sign up as a volunteer and I'm waiting to hear back.  I was telling Sarah the other day, working with this company would be a dream come true.  I've struggled my entire life with my weight, how I look etc.  I'm constantly paranoid about people talking about me or laughing behind my back.  It's gotten so bad I'm even paranoid my own friends talk about me.  I've struggled with my weight and in 8th grade I was so disgusted with myself I stopped eating completely and dropped to a very unhealthy weight.  Luckily, I had my family, friends, and above all else God, to help pull me out my problems.  While, I still struggle with my self-confidence and self-esteem I feel much better today.  The whole point of this story is, I believe in this company and what they stand for.  Everyone is worth loving, no matter your situation, past, present, future. Whatever.  You are worth something.  And you know what.  I believe that.  I am worth something. You are worth something.

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