Friday, November 8, 2013

Root of all evil

They say that money and power is the root of all evil but today it's judgement. 

The root of evil starts with one judgmental thought, comment, or action.

I'm not a bad person.  Not trying to sound egotistical but I think I'm a pretty great person.  If I see someone who needs help I will try everything in my power to help.  If someone asks for a favor, or money as long as it's within my power to help I do it.  My family can call me at the last minute and ask for something and DONE! You want advice? I'll be your therapist.  You need someone to cry with? I'm always available.  I don't judge based on someones clothes or actions.  I try to give everyone benefit of the doubt.  I go to church.  I volunteer.  I smile. I'm a good person.  But all it takes is one judgmental comment from a friend to turn you into an evil person.

While I am a very helpful, nice person at the same time I don't tell all my secrets.  There is a very very few amount of people in the world who know everything about me, my life, my feelings, my thoughts, and my actions.  But for the most part there are huge sections of my life, thoughts, feelings, and actions that I keep completely covered.  They are hidden, if you don't know about them then you wouldn't know they exist.

Everyone has secrets.  Everyone has something they don't tell a single soul in the world.

I had a friend make a judgement about me today.  What she doesn't realize is she is not one of the few that know everything about me.  She doesn't know half of my life.  So for her to make this comment.  This statement.  She was judging me, she was making an assumption all based on a comment I made about young adults, 18-25, getting married at a young age.  It was an opinion based comment that I made and I pointed that out.

The thing about judging people is, you can't do it.  You can't judge someone based solely on the five senses; seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and weirdly tasting.  The thing is you, me, everyone cannot make a judgement on someone's thoughts or feelings or opinion because we have no idea what led them to that thought, feeling or opinion.  Just like me, people put a curtain over certain parts of his or her life and you cannot judge them for their opinion because you don't know the whole story.

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